The teachers of Karlstadt
Thorsten Lippert...at a traditional Bavarian fest with local drink and food;-)
My name is Thorsten Lippert and I am the coordinator for our project "MAGIC" in Germany. I teach English,
economics/business and politics and fell in love with being part of a common European project in Antalya last year.
Many European teachers met there and this is
where I also found some partners of our project.
I live in Wuerzburg that is very close to Karlstadt
where my school is. I was not born in this part of Bavaria,
but came here by accident and decided to stay cause of the beautiful landscape and city. My first step towards
international exchange was in 2003 when I did an internshipin the USA for my studies to become a teacher. In the years afterwards I was travelling a lot with a worldtrip at the end of my studies as the high point. I consider myself to be a European, German and Bavarian citizen.

Judith Schmitt
Hi there, my name is Judith Schmitt, I'm 31 years old and Thorsten, Oli and Marcus's colleague at secondary school in Karlstadt. Originally, I'm not from Würzburg but studied English and Geography for teaching there and have lived there for more than 10 years now. I'm very excited about the comenius project as I've never worked on an international school project before and looking forward to meeting all you people involved. See you soon.
Marcus Waitz
My name is Marcus Waitz, I’m 34 years old,
married and the father of two lovely little children. I have studied English,
history and applied social studies at the University of Wuerzburg and Irish
studies at the University of Liverpool in my time as an Erasmus student. Now I
teach English and history at our Johann-Rudolph-Glauber-School and I run one of
our drama groups. I organize the many small and big events of our ‘school
without racism project’ and I organize the annual educational trip to Hastings for
our students. I have always enjoyed meeting people from other countries and now
I’m really looking forward to taking part in this Comenius project.
See you
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